Meadowsweet Poultry Services

Suppliers of Pure Breed chickens, Hybrid chickens and Bantam Chickens at Point of lay to trade or private buyers for egg laying hens in your back garden. UK Delivery.

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brown hen on green grass during daytime

Welcome to Meadowsweet Poultry Services

With 30 years experience in poultry, we are the new Meadowsweet Poultry Services. We stock 19 different types of hybrid laying chickens all fully vaccinated and bred to RSPCA Freedom Food Standards. We are based in North Yorkshire and have point of lay chickens for sale in Yorkshire thoughout the year. We deliver to customers for orders of over 30 pullets everywhere in the UK.

We also stock bantams - Pekins, Silkies, Polands, Brahmas, Araucanas, Wyandottes, Maran Dark Brown Eggers, Buff Orpingtons and Legbars  when available.